다비드 건담 David Gundam 2018 FRP, Mother of Pearl 360x450x1,600mm

1904-2017 LIGHT 2017 LED Module, Glass, Block 9,500 ×3,080mm

태초의 빛-비너스 The Light of the Beginning – Venus 2016 FRP, Mother of Pearl 750x800x2,200mm

다시 태어나는 빛-피에타 Reborn Light-Pieta 2015 Motor, FRP 3,400X900X1,600mm

천리강산 千里江山圖 2015 FRP, Objet, single-channel video Variable installation

다시 태어나는 빛 2015 Reborn Light 2015 2015 LCD TV, Water, Objets 5,200X900X900mm

TV 피노키오 TV Pinocchio 2015 Monitor, FRP, Camera 1,800X1,000mm

빛의 언어 Language of Light 2014 FRP, single-channel video Variable installation

비너스의 빛 Light of Venus 2014 FRP, Mixed media 1,100X550X1,900mm

변용된 달 항아리 Transformed Moon jar 2012 FRP, single-channel video Variable installation

비너스의 발견 Discovery of Venus 2011 FRP, Mother of Pearl 750x800x2,200mm